2006/06/14 | [Book Report]Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret
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Among all the new characters, Dobby is undoubtedly the very one interested me. A filthy miserable house elf who tried several times to save Harry Potter by trying to kill him. Just doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, but out of good meaning, I think. Mentioned of elf, I think of the elegant elves in Lord of the Rings first, while Dobby had nothing in common with those splendid creatures, but kind of close to Golum, much nicer than him though. I didn't like it at all at his first appearance, but could help pity him after knowing his poor living situation with Lucia Malfoy.

The Malfoys is the most hateful family in this series of story, although Lucia looked so handsome in the movie. Nothing is more hideous than filthy deeds under the cover of a pretty face. Poor Dobby with such a master in the house. No one would refuse the idea to get Dobby rid of him like what Harry did in the end.

Lockheart is obviously a clown, a liar and a nuisance, and behaved much better after he lost his memory, and it served him right! It made me have a pulse to kick in his face to splash water on him whenever I read to his boast of his bravery and adventures. I cannot believe Hermione so addicted to him and trusted him even she had seen tiles of his stupid deeds.


The movie cut two of my favorite scenes in the novel----the deathday party and the accident in the potion class. Isn't it amazing to celebrate your deathday by yourself and a room of your ghost friends! I would like to do it one day if I can got this chance. And for the potion class, I dare to say that all the readers would like to see Malfoy holding his nose at the size of a small watermelon, don't you? The idea alone is great enough.

The fight in the chamber of secret is the peak in this novel, but Ms. Rowling did not gave it much space, while the movie brought it out. I think the part of Harry fighting with the basilisk is much exciting and breath-taking in the movie. In the book, Harry stabbed the fang into the diary after his arm was cured. I prefer the change of the order in the movie, otherwise the young dark lord was too forgetful, making such a silly mistake and tried to cover it by saying something like "I like it this way".

Here comes the third book I'm going to read, and it's getting thicker. The third one said to be the best, and I hope I will enjoy it and light my life brighter.


