2006/09/06 | [book report] Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
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No need to deny I like the fourth book, and perhaps the most if there had not been those repeated information from the first three volumes. Don't wanna bother myself by anything like openion on the world or philosophy, I just enjoy Harry's fourth school year to my heart's content.

The whole story is more a detective one than a fantasy, and I was guessing and presticting who put Harry's name in the goblet. Bergman was the most suspicious to me, but I've never put an eye on Moody! The result that I had never thought about him made the whole book exciting.

There are a lot of choir things, and J.K. told too many things in details (the house-elf affair for example) so that the first half took me much time reading and does not seem to be very important for the main topic. I have to suppose that J.K. left those information for later use. Actually, J.K. told Harry's life in a tone of 流水账, although not a boring one, but it does read like someone writing a diary of Harry. I just hope she could omi something next time.

I got more interest in the Weasley family this time, especially the first two borns and the twins. Perhaps it's the Ouran High School Host Club that developed me the love for little devil twins. They are just cool! On the other hand, since J.K. had no more time and space and energy for Professor Snape, Harry got less misfortune from him. And the last scene of his readiness for Dumbordor's requirement made him look noble in a sudden. Must have heard the calls from Snape fans', haven't you, J.K.?

Since Saga called fifth book "How Deep is the Hell?" I really want to have a look at it.


