2007/08/15 | [Book Report]Harry Potter 5 the Order of the Phoenix
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Finally...The novel is soooo long. Some chapters were quite exciting but some are boring. The first a few chapters made me almost want to throw it away for  loads of names I'm never good at remembering them.

I don't understand how come Harry grew so hot-tempered, going angry so easily and refused to take others' advice, even from his most trustful friends and teachers!!! Maybe Harry HAD to be hot-tempered because J.K. could not bring the story on without his behaving like that. Maybe Harry HAD to be rejecting to Snape based on all five year's hatred instead of trusing him for he is also in the Order, because he is a 15-year old boy in his adolescence, so that he IS arrogant and in a want-to-be-a-hero mood, which gave him the excuse to bring his 5 fellow schoolmates into danger. Or maybe Harry HAD to be less lucky and less wise to have some bitterness of being caught using Umbridge's fireplace and losing his godfather, because the author said so. Whatsoever, this is no longer the cute little boy with the socerer's stone in his trouser's pocket.

While the hero boy turned to be more and more unlovable, dear Professor Snape began to get my approvement for his calm and mature act. Although he fought back the jinx on Harry in a Quidditch match in the first book, which means he's at least on Dumbledore's side, his faith and loyalty to the Order and Dumbledore has never been shown so clearly in this one. Together with his smirk, his sulky way of speaking, and all his facial and vocal features carried on as before, Professor Snape is AWESOME enough for some readers to turn to his side. (Excluding me, for my favorite male character continues to be Lupin.) Similar character showed on Sirius's great great great grandfather. What he said to Harry before Christmas in his old house was really impressive on me ---- "Young people are so infernally convinced that they are absolutely right about everything.  ...  Like all young people, you are quite sure that you alone feel and think, you alone recognize danger, you alone are the only one clever enough to realize what the Dark Lord may be planning." I really really really feel sorry for him losing the last one carrying his family name (even though I've never been in favor of Sirius), but much less sorry for Harry though, for I almost think it serves him right.

Speaking of people who teaches in Hogwarts, Ms. MG remained to be my model of a teacher (since Lupin is no longer in his teaching post), and I also found I could learn something from Mr. Flitwick. "But I wasn't sure whether I had the authority..." Ha, that snaps! But Dumbledore was not as satisfied as he used to be, spoiling Harry too much. I cannot be favor of him, at least in this story. Another character I liked less is Hagrid, for his naive and single-minded idea on keeping his giant little brother in the forest (even wanted Harry to be his friends), and his underestimate of Umbridge. I cannot help throwing "stupid fool" on him when reading the chapters related to him. He was NOT so stupid as in the previous four stories. Am I mistaken, or were they just brought down their intellegence by Ms. Rowling?

Meanwhile, the golden triangle of Grade 5 has left only one shining angle of Hermione. Thank goodness she's still smart and understanding, and now braver. I like the scene she explaining how Cho (who I never like since her very first appearance) is feeling about Harry, and the excellent tactic of pushing Rita to report Harry's first fight with Voldermort. It's Hermione that raise the idea of organizing students to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts themselves, and it's her jinx that caught the sneak of the A.D. Hermione is marvelous! And there comes Ginny, the youngest Weasley. One year younger than Harry and Ron though, she got quicker mind and calmer reactions. She also learned to pretect herself better than other students in the A.D., and showed strong will and effective action when fighting against the Death Eaters. I like her giving a talking-to to Harry. And you cannot deny that three girls (Hermoine, Ginny and Luna) and one female Death Eater (Sisius's cousin) are really eye-catching in this novel. Girls' power,huh~~~

Yet another golden triangle arose, carrying a name KING OF TROUBLE-MAKERS, formed by Fred, George and Lee Jordon. The twins are cool!!! They appeared to be the center of tricks and joy from the first novel, and they determine to fight their way to the dream of opening a trickshop. They are also upright boys and are ready to fight against the evil and unjustice. Their tricks shifted from trouble to herotic rebel, challenging Umbridge's authority and made her a fool, which undoubtedly gladdens everyone's hearts. And even Peeve took their order. Accio broom! Please don't cut this in the movie~~~Oh, and I wish Lee could go out with Angelina one day.

And I have to admit that their brightness was mostly relieved against the dark AUTHORITY (hem hem) of Dolores Umbridge the old pink toad, oh, sorry, professor. She is AWFUL!!! Worse than Rita in book 4, and could be compared to the Dark Lord's Death Eaters! She and Fudge and Percy are the representative of people who care nothing more than power and authotity in their hands, chasing privilege and  leading position and enjoying ruling others, but be blind of and even refuse to accept the reality. I just hate this kind of people!

Well, I cannot say this book is a pleasant to read, for I sometimes paused and put it away for several months. Since the next 2 novels tend to be as thick as this one, I'd better give them another two summers so that I can be patient enough to finish them as a whole.


